See below for the eBay returns process or click here for more details:
- To start a return, find the item in the purchase history section of My eBay. Select Return this item.
- Select the reason for the return. You'll see your anticipated refund amount.
- We will then notify you of your return request and will send you a return shipping label (if we are paying for the return.) If you are responsible for shipping costs, be sure to either use an eBay label with automatic tracking, or send us your carrier’s tracking information directly to protect you in case of an issue with delivery.
- Next, pack the item carefully. Include the packing slip, affix the shipping label, and send the item back to us within five business days of starting the return in My eBay. You can drop the package off at the post office or schedule a pickup with the US Postal Service or designated carrier.
- Tracking your return package:
- If MarketNation is paying for return shipping and the return is being handled through the standard returns process on eBay, you’ll automatically receive tracking information. If it’s not handled through eBay, or if you are responsible for return shipping, you need to send tracking information to MarketNation to protect yourself if there’s an issue with shipping/delivery.
- Once you've shipped your package back to us, you can track the status of the returned item in the Purchase History section of My eBay when it's being handled through the regular eBay returns process. We will issue your refund within 7-15 business days after the return item shows "delivered" in the tracking info.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact your MarketNation Support Team
- Sincerely Your MarketNation Support Team
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